Creativeguru Lead Generation


Tailored specifically for your target audience, Creativeguru doesn’t just create content; it intelligently engages in meaningful conversations. The model operates around the clock, to weave narratives that create value, build trust, and convert casual visitors into eager members of your community. Creativeguru lays the groundwork for lasting, meaningful connection, while your team is free to explore other ways to drive your business towards success.

Dedicated News Portal

  • Central to Creativeguru is a dedicated News Portal packed with valuable content for your target customer.
  • Delivers 12 researched and uniquely crafted pieces of topical content relevant to your audience every day.
  • Each article includes a customisable Call to Action link that can be used to promote your business.
  • Content push notifications generate return visitors.
  • Embedded banner ad to promote your business.
  • Automated newsletter delivery builds GDPR compliant email list. (up to 1 million subscribers.)

Facebook Engagement

  • The News Portal is linked to a News Portal Facebook page with links back to your company website.
  • The News Portal hosts a News Portal Facebook Group poses questions and writes answers to relevant questions.
  • The News Portal Facebook page joins up to 20 relevant Facebook groups.
  • The Facebook page posts content summaries with linkbacks to the News Portal article.
  • The Facebook page hosts daily questions to draw audience comments.

X (Twitter) Engagement

  • The News Portal is linked to a News Portal X page.
  • All News Portal content is reformatted and posted as teaser tweets.
  • Podcast excerpts are posted as tweets.
  • The model intelligently answers replies to News Portal tweets.
  • The model identifies X members by interest and follows them to encourage follow backs.

LinkedIn Engagement

  • The News Portal is linked to a News Portal LinkedIn page.
  • The News Portal creates an open group and post relevant questions daily.
  • When needed, the model supplements all questions with intelligently crafted answers.
  • The News Portal LinkedIn page hosts content summaries with linkbacks to the News Portal article.


  • The 10 to 20-minute podcast is created from the week’s most compelling News Portal content.
  • The podcast is hosted by 2 metahosts of your choice, delivered in an appropriate tone.
  • The podcast includes up to 3 sponsored messages that can be changed as required.
  • Podcast excerpts are crafted appropriately to the News Portal’s X, Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
  • Podcast excerpts can also be posted on your company’s social network pages.
  • The podcast transcript provided for search engine visibility.

eBook Development & Promotion

  • Every quarter long-form content is structured into a unique eBook designed to engage new followers.
  • The model researches and writes an informative in-depth 50-100 page eBook including images.
  • Collect new subscribers for marketing communications.
  • eBook promoted across all News Portal channels.

Your Content Amplified

  • All business content is automatically indexed on your Creativeguru dashboard.
  • Select content for promotion of business content across all Creativeguru channels.
  • Weekly podcast promotion – Include your company news and other content in the weekly podcast.

Enhance Your Primary Content

  • Connect your company social network pages and website to the Creativeguru dashboard to optimise your team’s content delivery.
  • Choose automatic or manual publishing of News Portal content to your company social networks and blog page..

Weekly Newsletter

  • Create a weekly news digest to highlight the most engaging content.
  • Each newsletter is a crafted news digest – not just a content list.
  • Add your prospects to the subscriber list to deliver a summary of topical information about your industry.
  • Newsletter builds a GDPR compliant subscriber list which can be used in other company marketing strategies.
  • Includes unsubscribe management.

Active Performance Enhancement

  • AI monitors the entire engagement process.
  • Successful approaches are used more frequently while less successful approaches are reduced.
  • Constant adjustment optimises the system to maximise engagement with target audience.
  • Models continue to learn to optimise performance and increase value to the customer.

Onboarding Consultancy

  • Creativeguru specialists work with you to build cross channel engagement strategy.
  • We do the heavy lifting, putting everything in place to get Creativeguru producing for you quickly and efficiently.
  • After setup we work with you to ensure the system is delivering to your defined objectives.

Coming Soon

Creativeguru is constantly evolving and improving. Our data scientists have an exciting roadmap of releases planned for the year.

They’re all aimed at massively expanding engagement opportunities across all media types. Join us on this exciting journey.