Unlocking Virality: My Journey with Trending Topics

by | Sep 5, 2024

I still remember the first time one of my blog posts went viral. It was exhilarating, almost surreal. Since then, I’ve been on a mission to understand the nuances of leveraging trending topics to make content go viral. Today, I’ll guide you through the steps I took, so you can replicate the process for your own content.

Step 1: Identifying Trending Topics

The first step in making your content go viral is to tap into what people are already talking about. To do this, I rely on a combination of tools and platforms. Twitter Trends, Google Trends, and Reddit’s front page are my go-to resources. Each of these platforms offers insight into what’s capturing the public’s attention at any given moment.

For instance, during the pandemic, I noticed a spike in searches for ‘remote work tips’ on Google Trends. I knew I had to create content around this topic. The key here is to act quickly—trends can be fleeting, and timing is crucial.

Step 2: Adding Value to the Trend

Once I’ve identified a trending topic, my next step is to add unique value to it. Simply regurgitating what others are saying won’t make your content stand out. I delve deep into the subject, gathering data, statistics, and expert opinions.

For the ‘remote work tips’ trend, I conducted interviews with remote work veterans and included their insights in my post. This not only added credibility but also provided my readers with something they couldn’t find elsewhere.

Step 3: Crafting an Engaging Headline

Your headline is the first thing people see, and it needs to grab their attention instantly. I usually come up with multiple headline options and test them out. Tools like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer can be incredibly useful for this.

For my remote work article, I went with “10 Insider Tips for Thriving in a Remote Work Environment.” This headline promised valuable, actionable advice and included a number, which studies show can increase click-through rates.

Step 4: Optimising for SEO

To ensure my content reaches a broad audience, I pay close attention to SEO. I use tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush to find relevant keywords related to the trending topic. Including these keywords naturally within the text, headings, and meta descriptions can significantly boost your content’s visibility.

For example, I found that ‘remote work productivity’ was a high-traffic keyword related to my topic. I made sure to incorporate this keyword throughout my article, from the introduction to the conclusion.

Step 5: Utilising Social Media

Promotion is as important as the content itself. I share my posts across multiple social media platforms, tailoring the message slightly for each audience. Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook are my primary channels.

When sharing my remote work article, I used relevant hashtags like #RemoteWork, #WorkFromHome, and #Productivity. Hashtags can help your content get discovered by a wider audience. Additionally, engaging with comments and shares can boost your post’s visibility even further.

Step 6: Engaging with Influencers

Connecting with influencers can amplify your content’s reach exponentially. I often reach out to influencers who have a vested interest in the trending topic. A simple direct message or email explaining why they might find my content useful is usually enough.

For the remote work piece, I contacted several remote work advocates and influencers. A few of them shared my article with their followers, which gave it a massive boost in visibility.

Step 7: Analysing Performance

After publishing, I keep a close eye on the performance metrics using tools like Google Analytics and social media insights. This helps me understand what’s working and what isn’t, allowing me to tweak my strategy for future posts.

I noticed that my remote work article had an unusually high bounce rate on mobile devices. I realised that the formatting wasn’t mobile-friendly and quickly made adjustments. Small tweaks like these can make a big difference in retaining readers.

Bringing It All Together

By following these steps—identifying trending topics, adding unique value, crafting engaging headlines, optimising for SEO, leveraging social media, engaging with influencers, and continually analysing performance—you can significantly increase your chances of creating viral content.

Each piece of content is a learning experience, and the more you experiment, the better you become at recognising what resonates with your audience. So, dive into those trending topics and start creating content that not only captures attention but keeps it. You never know, your next post might just be the one to go viral.